
2023-04-22 来源:飞速影视
[Time Lapse, Ross has entered.]
Ross:(mortified) Hi.
mortified adj.受羞辱的 窘迫的/mortify v.使感屈辱 使失面子 使羞愧[eg:The teacher was mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question]
Joey:This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
Monica:Are you okay, sweetie?
Ross:I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...
intestine n.肠
Monica:(explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.
Monica:(to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.
Phoebe:Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)
pluck v.拔去(鸡鸭等)毛 扯 拉[eg:He plucked the letter from her hands]/pluck at:To remove abruptly(adv.唐突地) or forcibly(adv.强制地)
Ross:No, no don"t! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? I"ll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she"ll be very happy.
aura:a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source n.气氛 灵气 光环[eg: the place had an aura of mystery]/当时的场景是Ross进来跟大家诉说他的不幸婚姻,倒了霉运的他周身象是鬼神附身一般。Phoebe 这人第一喜欢帮助人,第二她总是神叨叨的,大家还记得有一集里她看到一只猫,就说是她死去的妈吗?于是Phoebe想帮Ross把霉运赶走,PhD Ross自然是反对封建迷信的,就对Phoebe说,意思是你别烦我了,省省吧。

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