2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
当遇到雅思口语问题"what"s kind of animal do you like?" 很多同学可能会脱口而出"I like cat!"吓坏了考官,因为在口语中"I like cat!"表示的意思是"我喜欢猫肉"所以准确的表达应该是"I like cats"或者说"I"m a cat person"表示"我是一个爱猫的人"。其实在英语口语中还有很多和"喵星人"相关的地道的表达,今天就让我们来学习一下吧!

1.There are many ways to skin a cat
这句话直译起来很可怕,但各位铲屎官不用担心,这句话真正的意思是"All roads lead to Rome"条条大道通罗马,事情的解决方法不止一个。比如"He"s only tried using cheese to catch mice, but as they say "there"s more than one way to skin a cat" and there"s definitely more than one way to catch a mouse!"
2.To put the cat among the pigeons
把猫和鸽子放一起?同学们可能感觉有点懵,其实这句话的意思也很形象,表示某些举动会使大家生气或者担忧,就像把猫和鸽子放在一起一样容易引起骚乱。比方说"If we tell the employees we have to fire one of them next week we"ll be putting the cat among the pigeons." 如果我们告诉员工,下周我们将会裁员,他们一定会很担心。
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