
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
10.Our plans of banning the sale of the ____________( 酒 精 ) are still___________( 悬 而 未 决 ),_______________(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.
Day 5
根据提示完成下列句子(also  anniversary)
1.Caught in the act, he ____________________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth.
2.He looked at me __________ (惊愕地). I was ________(吃惊) by his ____________(令人吃惊的) strange look.
3.We’ve had __________________________(很大的 amount…) help from the local people.
4.________(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.
5._________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife.
6.What you said _______________ ( 等于 ) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of___________(有抱负).
7.I heard ______________ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.
8.I was ____________________( 生 气 ) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a_____________(生气地).
9.This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also ___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.

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