
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Drawn out all that gold from English banks, like a simpleton, and tried to run it into Wilmington?And let the Yankees capture it?Was it my fault that the blockade got too tight?Was it my fault that our Cause failed?The money belonged to the Confederacy.Well, there is no Confederacy now—though you"d never know it, to hear some people talk.Whom shall I give the money to?
The Yankee government?I should so hate for people to think me a thief.”
He removed a leather case from his pocket, extracted a long cigar and smelled it approvingly, meanwhile watching her with pseudo anxiety as if he hung on her words.
Plague take him, she thought, he"s always one jump ahead of me. There is always something wrong with his arguments but I never can put my finger on just what it is.
“You might,”she said with dignity,“distribute it to those who are in need. The Confederacy is gone but there are plenty of Confederates and their families who are starving.”
He threw back his head and laughed rudely.

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