
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Do you mean you—you actually have the Confederate gold?”
“Not all of it. Good Heavens, no!There must be fifty or more exblockaders who have plenty salted away in Nassau and England and Canada.We will be pretty unpopular with the Confederates who weren"t as slick as we were.I have got close to half a million.Just think, Scarlett, a half-million dollars, if you"d only restrained your fiery nature and not rushed into wedlock again!

A half-million dollars. She felt a pang of almost physical sickness at the thought of so much money.It was hard to believe there was so much money in all this bitter and poverty-stricken world.So much money, so very much money, and someone else had it, someone who took it lightly and didn"t need it.And she had only a sick elderly husband and this dirty, piddling, little store between her and a hostile world.It wasn"t fair that a reprobate like Rhett Butler should have so much and she, who carried so heavy a load, should have so little.She hated him, sitting there in his dandified attire, taunting her.Well, she wouldn"t swell his conceit by complimenting him on his cleverness.She longed viciously for sharp words with which to cut him.

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