
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“I"ll take oath you weren"t innocent.”
“No, now that I am free of the toils, I"ll frankly admit that I"m as guilty as Cain. I did kill the nigger.He was uppity to a lady, and what else could a Southern gentleman do?And while I"m confessing, I must admit that I shot a Yankee cavalryman after some words in a barroom.I was not charged with that peccadillo, so perhaps some other poor devil has been hanged for it, long since.”
He was so blithe about his murders her blood chilled. Words of moral indignation rose to her lips but suddenly she remembered the Yankee who lay under the tangle of scuppernong vines at Tara.He had not been on her conscience any more than a roach upon which she might have stepped.She could not sit in judgment on Rhett when she was as guilty as he.
“And, as I seem to be making a clean breast of it, I must tell you, in strictest confidence(that means, don"t tell Miss Pittypat!)that I did have the money, safe in a bank in Liverpool.”
“The money?”
“Yes, the money the Yankees were so curious about. Scarlett, it wasn"t altogether meanness that kept me from giving you the money you wanted.If I"d drawn a draft they could have traced it somehow and I doubt if you"d have gotten a cent.My only hope lay in doing nothing.I knew the money was pretty safe, for if worst came to worst, if they had located it and tried to take it away from me, I would have named every Yankee patriot who sold me bullets and machinery during the war.Then there would have been a stink, for some of them are high up in Washington now.In fact, it was my threat to unbosom my conscience about them that got me out of jail.I—”

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