
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“What a pity they didn"t hang you!”
“Others share your feeling, I fear. Come, Scarlett, relax.You look like you"d swallowed a ramrod and it isn"t becoming.Surely, you"ve had time to recover from my—er—my little joke.”
“Joke?Ha!I"ll never get over it!”
“Oh, yes, you will. You are just putting on this indignant front because you think it"s proper and respectable.May I sit down?”
He sank into a chair beside her and grinned.
“I hear you couldn"t even wait two weeks for me,”he said and gave a mock sigh.“How fickle is woman!”
When she did not reply he continued.
“Tell me, Scarlett, just between friends—between very old and very intimate friends—wouldn"t it have been wiser to wait until I got out of jail?Or are the charms of wedlock with old Frank Kennedy more alluring than illicit relations with me?”
As always when his mockery aroused wrath within her, wrath fought with laughter at his impudence.
“Don"t be absurd.”
“And would you mind satisfying my curiosity on one point which has bothered me for some time?Did you have no womanly repugnance, no delicate shrinking from marrying not just one man but two for whom you had no love or even affection?Or have I been misinformed about the delicacy of our Southern womanhood?”

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