
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“A sawmill?”
“Yes, and if you"ll lend me the money, I"ll give you a half-interest in it.”
“Whatever would I do with a sawmill?”
“Make money!We can make loads of money. Or I"ll pay you interest onthe loan—let"s see, what is good interest?”
“Fifty per cent is considered very fine.”
“Fifty—oh, but you are joking!Stop laughing, you devil. I"m serious.”
“That"s why I"m laughing. I wonder if anyone but me realizes what goes on in that head back of your deceptively sweet face.”
“Well, who cares?Listen, Rhett, and see if this doesn"t sound like a good business to you. Frank told me about this man who has a sawmill, a little one out Peachtree road, and he wants to sell it.He"s got to have cash money pretty quick and he"ll sell it cheap.There aren"t many sawmills around here now, and the way people are rebuilding—why, we could sell lumber sky high.The man will stay and run the mill for a wage.Frank told me about it.Frank would buy the mill himself if he had the money.I guess he was intending buying it with the money he gave me for the taxes.”

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