
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“No,”she replied frankly, turning hard green eyes upon him.“And if you"d been through what I have, you wouldn"t either. I"ve found out thatmoney is the most important thing in the world and, as God is my witness, I don"t ever intend to be without it again.”
She remembered the hot sun, the soft red earth under her sick head, the niggery smell of the cabin behind the ruins of Twelve Oaks, remembered the refrain her heart had beaten:“I"ll never be hungry again. I"ll never be hungry again.”
“I"m going to have money some day, lots of it, so I can have anything I want to eat. And then there"ll never be any hominy or dried peas on my table.And I"m going to have pretty clothes and all of them are going to be silk—”
“All,”she said shortly, not even troubling to blush at his implication.“I"m going to have money enough so the Yankees can never take Tara away from me. And I"m going to have a new roof for Tara and a new barn and fine mules for plowing and more cotton than you ever saw.And Wade isn"t ever going to know what it means to do without the things he needs.Never!

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