
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“It means‘maybe",my charming ignoramus.”
She fluttered her thick lashes up to look at him and fluttered them down again.
“Oh, you"re too smart to let them hang you!I know you"ll think of some clever way to beat them and get out!And when you do—”
“And when I do?”he asked softly, leaning closer.
“Well, I—”and she managed a pretty confusion and a blush. The blush was not difficult for she was breathless and her heart was beating like a drum.“Rhett, I"m so sorry about what I—I said to you that night—you know—at Rough and Ready.I was—oh, so very frightened and upset and you were so—so—”She looked down and saw his brown hand tighten over hers.“And—I thought then that I"d never, never forgive you!
But when Aunt Pitty told me yesterday that you—that they might hang you—it came over me of a sudden and I—I—”She looked up into his eyes with one swift imploring glance and in it she put an agony of heartbreak.“Oh, Rhett, I"d die if they hanged you!I couldn"t bear it!You see, I—”And, because she could no longer sustain the hot leaping light that was in his eyes, her lids fluttered down again.

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