
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
In a moment I"ll be crying, she thought in a frenzy of wonder and excitement. Shall I let myself cry?Would that seem more natural?
He said quickly:“My God, Scarlett, you can"t mean that you—”and his hands closed over hers in so hard a grip that it hurt.
She shut her eyes tightly, trying to squeeze out tears, but remembered to turn her face up slightly so he could kiss her with no difficulty. Now, in an instant his lips would be upon hers, the hard insistent lips which she suddenly remembered with a vividness that left her weak.But he did not kiss her.Disappointment queerly stirring her, she opened her eyes a trifle and ventured a peep at him.His black head was bent over her hands and, as she watched, he lifted one and kissed it and, taking the other, laid it against his cheek for a moment.Expecting violence, this gentle and lover-like gesture startled her.She wondered what expression was on his face but could not tell for his head was bowed.
She quickly lowered her gaze lest he should look up suddenly and see the expression on her face. She knew that the feeling of triumph going through herwas certain to be plain in her eyes.In a moment he would ask her to marry him—or at least say that he loved her and then……As she watched him through the veil of her lashes he turned her hand over, palm up, to kiss it too, and suddenly he drew a quick breath.Looking down she saw her own palm, saw it as it really was for the first time in a year, and a cold sinking fear gripped her.This was a stranger"s palm, not Scarlett O"Hara"s soft, white, dimpled, helpless one.This hand was rough from work, brown with sunburn, splotched with freckles.The nails were broken and irregular, there were heavy calluses on the cushions of the palm, a half-healed blister on the thumb.The red scar which boiling fat had left last month was ugly and glaring.She looked at it in horror and, before she thought, she swiftly clenched her fist.

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