
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Your hands are certainly no business of mine,”said Rhett coolly and lounged back in his chair indolently, his face a smooth blank.
So he was going to be difficult. Well, she"d have to bear it meekly, much as she disliked it, if she expected to snatch victory from this debacle.Perhaps if she sweet-talked him—
“I think you"re real rude to throw off on my poor hands. Just because I went riding last week without my gloves and ruined them—”
“Riding, hell!”he said in the same level voice.“You"ve been working with those hands, working like a nigger. What"s the answer?Why did you lie to me about everything being nice at Tara?”
“Now, Rhett—”
“Suppose we get down to the truth. What is the real purpose of your visit?Almost, I was persuaded by your coquettish airs that you cared something about me and were sorry for me.”
“Oh, I am sorry!Indeed—”
“No, you aren"t. They can hang me higher than Haman for all you care.It"s written as plainly on your face as hard work is written on your hands.You wanted something from me and you wanted it badly enough to put on quite a show.Why didn"t you come out in the open and tell me what it was?You"d have stood a much better chance of getting it, for if there"s one virtue I value in women it’s frankness.But no, you had to come jingling your earbobs and pouting and frisking like a prostitute with a prospective client.”

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