
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
When she did not speak, he said with sudden violence,“You hadn"t forgotten?Answer me.”
“I hadn"t forgotten,”she said wretchedly.
“What a gambler you are, Scarlett,”he jeered.“You took a chance that my incarceration away from female companionship would put me in such a state that I"d snap at you like a trout at a worm.”
“And that"s what you did,”thought Scarlett with inward rage,“and if it hadn"t been for my hands—”
“Now, we have most of the truth, everything except your reason. See if you can tell me the truth about why you wanted to lead me into wedlock.”
There was a suave, almost teasing note in his voice and she took heart. Perhaps everything wasn"t lost, after all.Of course, she had ruined any hope of marriage but, even in her despair, she was glad.There was something about this immobile man which frightened her, so that now the thought of marrying him was fearful.But perhaps if she was clever and played on his sympathies and his memories, she could secure a loan.She pulled her face into a placating and childlike expression.

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