
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Darling, for God"s sake!Stop!Hush!Don"t yell. They"ll be in here in aminute if you do.Do calm yourself.Do you want the Yankees to see you like this?”
She was beyond caring who saw her, beyond anything except a fiery desire to kill him, but dizziness was sweeping her. She could not breathe;he was choking her;her stays were like a swiftly compressing band of iron;his arms about her made her shake with helpless hate and fury.Then his voice became thin and dim and his face above her swirled in a sickening mist which became heavier and heavier until she no longer saw him—or anything else.
When she made feeble swimming motions to come back to consciousness, she was tired to her bones, weak, bewildered. She was lying back in the chair, her bonnet off, Rhett was slapping her wrist, his black eyes searching her face anxiously.The nice young captain was trying to pour a glass of brandy into her mouth and had spilled it down her neck.The other officers hovered helplessly about, whispering and waving their hands.

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