
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Take your hands off me. I"m going.”
“Not yet. Wait a minute.You might faint again.”
“I"d rather faint in the road than be here with you.”
“Just the same, I won"t have you fainting in the road.”
“Let me go. I hate you.”
A faint smile came back to his face at her words.
“That sounds more like you. You must be feeling better.”
She lay relaxed for a moment, trying to summon anger to her aid, trying to draw on her strength. But she was too tired.She was too tired to hate or to care very much about anything.Defeat lay on her spirit like lead.She had gambled everything and lost everything.Not even pride was left.This was the dead end of her last hope.This was the end of Tara, the end of them all.For a long time she lay back with her eyes closed, hearing his heavy breathing near her, and the glow of the brandy crept gradually over her, giving a false strength and warmth.When finally she opened her eyes and looked him in the face, anger had roused again.As her slanting eyebrows rushed down together in a frown Rhett"s old smile came back.

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