
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
How could she ever go back to Tara and face them after her brave words?How could she tell them they must all go—somewhere?How could she leave it all, the red fields, the tall pines, the dark swampy bottom lands, the quiet burying ground where Ellen lay in the cedars"deep shade?
Hatred of Rhett burned in her heart as she plodded along the slippery way. What a blackguard he was!She hoped they did hang him, so she would never have to face him again, with his knowledge of her disgrace and her humiliation.Of course, he could have gotten the money for her if he"d wanted to get it.Oh, hanging was too good for him!Thank God, he couldn"t see her now, with herclothes soaking wet and her hair straggling and her teeth chattering.How hideous she must look and how he would laugh!
The negroes she passed turned insolent grins at her and laughed among themselves as she hurried by, slipping and sliding in the mud, stopping, panting to replace her slippers. How dared they laugh, the black apes!How dared they grin at her, Scarlett O"Hara of Tara!She"d like to have them all whipped until the blood ran down their backs.What devils the Yankees were to set them free, free to jeer at white people!

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