
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Mr. Kennedy, I"m so surprised to see you.I know I"ve been a bad girl, not keeping up with old friends, but I didn"t know you were here in Atlanta.I thought somebody told me you were in Marietta.”
“I do business in Marietta, a lot of business,”he said.“Didn"t Miss Suellen tell you I had settled in Atlanta?Didn"t she tell you about my store?”
Vaguely she had a memory of Suellen chattering about Frank and a store but she never paid much heed to anything Suellen said. It had been sufficient to know that Frank was alive and would some day take Suellen off her hands.
“No, not a word,”she lied.“Have you a store?How smart you must be!”
He looked a little hurt at hearing that Suellen had not published the news but brightened at the flattery.
“Yes, I"ve got a store, and a pretty good one I think. Folks tell me I"m a born merchant.”He laughed pleasedly, the tittery cackling laugh which she always found so annoying.
“Conceited old fool,”she thought.
“Oh, you could be a success at anything you turned your hand to, Mr. Kennedy.But how on earth did you ever get started with the store?When I saw you Christmas before last you said you didn"t have a cent in the world.”

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