
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“How dreadful!”
“Yes, that"s the word. Dreadful.Our men had come back into Atlanta then and so our train was sent here.Well, Miss Scarlett, it wasn"t long before the war was over and—well, there was a lot of china and cots and mattresses and blankets and nobody claiming them.I suppose rightfully they belonged to the Yankees.I think those were the terms of the surrender, weren"t they?

“Um,”said Scarlett absently. She was getting warmer now and a little drowsy.
“I don"t know till now if I did right,”he said, a little querulously.“But the way I figured it, all that stuff wouldn"t do the Yankees a bit of good. They"d probably burn it.And our folks had paid good solid money for it, and I thought it still ought to belong to the Confederacy or to the Confederates.Do you see what I mean?”
“I"m glad you agree with me, Miss Scarlett. In a way, it"s been on my conscience.Lots of folks have told me:‘Oh, forget about it, Frank,"but I can"t.I couldn"t hold up my head if I thought I’d done what wasn’t right.Do you think I did right?”

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