
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Of course,”she said, wondering what the old fool had been talking about. Some struggle with his conscience.When a man got as old as Frank Kennedy he ought to have learned not to bother about things that didn"t matter.But he always was so nervous and fussy and old maidish.
“I"m glad to hear you say it. After the surrender I had about ten dollars in silver and nothing else in the world.You know what they did to Jonesboro and my house and store there.I just didn"t know what to do.But I used the ten dollars to put a roof on an old store down by Five Points and I moved the hospital equipment in and started selling it.Everybody needed beds and chinaand mattresses and I sold them cheap, because I figured it was about as much other folks"stuff as it was mine.But I cleared money on it and bought some more stuff and the store just went along fine.I think I"ll make a lot of money on it if things pick up.”
At the word“money,”her mind came back to him, crystal clear.
“You say you"ve made money?”

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