
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
The old fool.
“Oh, I know I"m a goose about business but I"m so interested!Please tell me all about it and you can explain what I don"t understand.”
“Well, my other iron is a sawmill.”
“A what?”
“A mill to cut up lumber and plane it. I haven"t bought it yet but I"m going to.There"s a man named Johnson who has one, way out Peachtree road, and he"s anxious to sell it.He needs some cash right away, so he wants to sell and stay and run it for me at a weekly wage.It"s one of the few mills in this section, Miss Scarlett.The Yankees destroyed most of them.And anyone who owns a sawmill owns a gold mine, for nowadays you can ask your own price forlumber.The Yankees burned so many houses here and there aren’t enough for people to live in and it looks like folks have gone crazy about rebuilding.They can’t get enough lumber and they can’t get it fast enough.People are just pouring into Atlanta now, all the folks from the country districts who can’t make a go of farming without darkies and the Yankees and Carpetbaggers who are swarming in trying to pick our bones a little barer than they already are.I tell you Atlanta’s going to be a big town soon.They’ve got to have lumber for their houses, so I’m going to buy this mill just as soon as—well, as soon as some of the bills owing me are paid.By this time next year, I ought to be breathing easier about money.I—I guess you know why I’m so anxious to make money quickly, don’t you?

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