
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视

He blushed and cackled again. He"s thinking of Suellen, Scarlett thought in disgust.
For a moment she considered asking him to lend her three hundred dollars, but wearily she rejected the idea. He would be embarrassed;he would stammer;he would offer excuses, but he wouldn"t lend it to her.He had worked hard for it, so he could marry Suellen in the spring and if he parted with it, his wedding would be postponed indefinitely.Even if she worked on his sympathies and his duty toward his future family and gained his promise of a loan, she knew Suellen would never permit it.Suellen was getting more and more worried over the fact that she was practically an old maid and she would move heaven and earth to prevent anything from delaying her marriage.
What was there in that whining complaining girl to make this old fool so anxious to give her a soft nest?Suellen didn"t deserve a loving husband and the profits of a store and a sawmill. The moment Sue got her hands on a little money she"d give herself unendurable airs and never contribute one cent toward the upkeep of Tara.Not Suellen!She"d think herself well out of it and not care if Tara went for taxes or burned to the ground, so long as she had pretty clothes and a“Mrs.”in front of her name.

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