
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
That he was Suellen"s fiancécaused her no qualm of conscience.After the complete moral collapse which had sent her to Atlanta and to Rhett, the appropriation of her sister’s betrothed seemed a minor affair and one not to be bothered with at this time.
With the rousing of fresh hope, her spine stiffened and she forgot that her feet were wet and cold. She looked at Frank so steadily, her eyes narrowing, that he became somewhat alarmed and she dropped her gaze swiftly, remembering Rhett"s words:“I"ve seen eyes like yours above a dueling pistol……They evoke no ardor in the male breast.”
“What"s the matter, Miss Scarlett?You got a chill?”
“Yes,”she answered helplessly.“Would you mind—”She hesitated timidly.“Would you mind if I put my hand in your coat pocket?It"s so cold and my muff is soaked through.”
“Why—why—of course not!And you haven"t any gloves!My, my, what a brute I"ve been idling along like this, talking my head off when you must be freezing and wanting to get to a fire. Giddap, Sally!By the way, Miss Scarlett, I"ve been so busy talking about myself I haven"t even asked you what you were doing in this section in this weather?”

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