
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
She sobbed on, saying a few words now and then, and he gathered that all was not well at Tara. Mr.O"Hara was still“not himself at all,”and there wasn"t enough food to go around for so many.So she had to come to Atlanta to try to make a little money for herself and her boy.Frank clicked his tongue again and suddenly found that her head was on his shoulder.He did not quite know how it got there.Surely he had not placed it there, but there her head was and there was Scarlett helplessly sobbing against his thin chest, an exciting and novel sensation for him.He patted her shoulder timidly, gingerly at first, and when she did not rebuff him he became bolder and patted her firmly.What a helpless, sweet, womanly thing she was.And how brave and silly to try her hand at making money by her needle.But dealing with the Yankees—that was toomuch.
“I won"t tell Miss Pittypat, but you must promise me, Miss Scarlett, that you won"t do anything like this again. The idea of your father"s daughter—”

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