
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“It sho is good ter see home folks,”she said.“How is you, Mist"Frank?My, ain"you lookin"fine an"gran"!Effen Ah’d knowed Miss Scarlett wuz out wid you, Ah wouldn’worrit so. Ah’d knowed she wuz tekken keer of.Ah come back hyah an’fine she gone an’Ah been as’stracted as a chicken wid its haid off, thinkin’she runnin’roun’dis town by herself wid all dese trashy free issue niggers on de street.Huccome you din’tell me you gwine out, honey?
An’you wid a cole!”
Scarlett winked slyly at Frank and, for all his distress at the bad news he had just heard, he smiled, knowing she was enjoining silence and making him one in a pleasant conspiracy.
“You run up and fix me some dry clothes, Mammy,”she said.“And some hot tea.”
“Lawd, yo"new dress is plum ruint,”grumbled Mammy.“Ah gwine have a time dryin"it an"brushin"it, so it"ll be fit ter be wo’ter de weddin’temight.”
She went into the house and Scarlett leaned close to Frank and whispered:“Do come to supper tonight. We are so lonesome.And we"re going to the wedding afterward.Do be our escort!And, please don"t say anything to Aunt Pitty about—about Suellen.It would distress her so much and I can"t bear for her to know that my sister—”

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