
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Oh, I won"t!I won"t!”Frank said hastily, wincing from the very thought.
“You"ve been so sweet to me today and done me so much good. I feelright brave again.”She squeezed his hand in parting and turned the full battery of her eyes upon him.
Mammy, who was waiting just inside the door, gave her an inscrutable look and followed her, puffing, up the stairs to the bedroom. She was silent while she striped off the wet clothes and hung them over chairs and tucked Scarlett into bed.When she had brought up a cup of hot tea and a hot brick, rolled in flannel, she looked down at Scarlett and said, with the nearest approach to an apology in her voice Scarlett had ever heard:
“Lamb, huccome you din"tell yo"own Mammy whut you wuz upter?Den Ah wouldn"had ter traipse all dis way up hyah ter"Lanta.Ah is too ole an"too fat fer sech runnin’roun’。”
“What do you mean?”
“Honey, you kain fool me. Ah knows you.An"Ah seed Mist"Frank"s face jes"now an"Ah seed yo’face, an’Ah kin read yo’mine lak a pahson read a Bible.An’Ah heerd dat whisperin’you wuz givin’him’bout Miss Suellen.Effen Ah’d had a notion’twuz‘Mist’Frank you wuz affer, Ah’d stayed home whar Ah b’longs.”

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