
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Tommy and Hugh Elsing and the little monkey-like RenéPicard stoodtalking with her while the chairs and furniture were pushed back to the walls in preparation for the dancing.Hugh had not changed since Scarlett last saw him in 1862.He was still the thin sensitive boy with the same lock of pale brown hair hanging over his forehead and the same delicate useless-looking hands she remembered so well.But Renéhad changed since that furlough when he married Maybelle Merriwether.He still had the Gallic twinkle in his black eyes and the Creole zest for living but, for all his easy laughter, there was something hard about his face which had not been there in the early days of the war.And the air of supercilious elegance which had clung about him in his striking Zouave uniform was completely gone.
“Cheeks lak ze rose, eyes lak ze emerald!”he said, kissing Scarlett"s hand and paying tribute to the rouge upon her face.“Pretty lak w"en I first see you at ze bazaar. You remembaire?Nevaire have I forgot how you toss your wedding ring in my basket.Ha, but zat was brave!But I should nevaire have zink you wait so long to get anothaire ring!”

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