
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
In spite of her pleasure at the welcome, Scarlett felt a slight uneasiness which she tried to conceal, an uneasiness about the appearance of her velvet dress. It was still damp to the knees and still spotted about the hem, despite the frantic efforts of Mammy and Cookie with a steaming kettle, a clean hair brushand frantic wavings in front of an open fire.Scarlett was afraid someone would notice her bedraggled state and realize that this was her only nice dress.She was a little cheered by the fact that many of the dresses of the other guests looked far worse than hers.They were so old and had such carefully mended and pressed looks.At least, her dress was whole and new, damp though it was—in fact, the only new dress at the gathering with the exception of Fanny"s whitesatin wedding gown.
Remembering what Aunt Pitty had told her about the Elsing finances, she wondered where the money for the satin dress had been obtained and for the refreshments and decorations and musicians too. It must have cost a pretty penny.Borrowed money probably or else the whole Elsing clan had contributed to give Fanny this expensive wedding.Such a wedding in these hard times seemed to Scarlett an extravagance on a par with the tombstones of the Tarleton boys and she felt the same irritation and lack of sympathy she had felt as she stood in the Tarleton burying ground.The days when money could be thrown away carelessly had passed.Why did these people persist in making the gestures of the old days when the old days were gone?

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