
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Name of God!”cried Scarlett, losing her temper and throwing back the covers.“You can go straight back to Tara!”
“You kain sen"me ter Tara ness Ah wants ter go. Ah is free,”said Mammyheatedly.“An"Ah is gwine ter stay right hyah.Git back in dat baid.Does you want ter ketch pneumony jes"now?Put down dem stays!Put dem down, honey.Now, Miss Scarlett, you ain"gwine nowhars in dis wedder.Lawd God!But you sho look lak yo"pa!Git back in baid—Ah kain go buyin’no paint!
Ah die of shame, eve’ybody knowin’it wuz fer mah chile!Miss Scarlett, you is so sweet an’pretty lookin’you doan need no paint.Honey, doan nobody but bad womens use dat stuff.”
“Well, they get results, don"t they?”
“Jesus, hear her!Lamb, doan say bad things lak dat!Put down dem wet stockin"s, honey. Ah kain have you buy dat stuff yo"seff.Miss Ellen would hant me.Git back in baid.Ah"ll go.Maybe Ah fine me a sto"whar dey doan know us.”
That night at Mrs. Elsing"s, when Fanny had been duly married and old Levi and the other musicians were tuning up for the dance, Scarlett looked about her with gladness.It was so exciting to be actually at a party again.She was pleased also with the warm reception she had received.When she entered the house on Frank"s arm, everyone had rushed to her with cries of pleasure and welcome, kissed her, shaken her hand, told her they had missed her dreadfully and that she must never go back to Tara.The men seemed gallantly to have forgotten she had tried her best to break their hearts in other days and the girls that she had done everything in her power to entice their beaux away from them.Even Mrs.Merriwether, Mrs.Whiting, Mrs.Meade and the other dowagers who had been so cool to her during the last days of the war, forgot her flighty conduct and their disapproval of it and recalled only that she had suffered in their common defeat and that she was Pitty"s niece and Charles"widow.They kissed her and spoke gently with tears in their eyes of her dear mother"s passing and asked at length about her father and her sisters.Everyone asked about Melanie and Ashley, demanding the reason why they, too, had not come back to Atlanta.

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