
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Ah ain"gwine wash yo"ha"r in dis wedder an"you ain"gwine put no cologne on yo’haid lak a fas’woman needer. Not w’ile Ah got breaf in mah body.”
“Oh, yes, I am. Look in my purse and get that five-dollar gold piece out and go to town.And—er, Mammy, while you are downtown, you might get me a—a pot of rouge.”
“Whut dat?”asked Mammy suspiciously.
Scarlett met her eyes with a coldness she was far from feeling. There was never any way of knowing just how far Mammy could be bullied.
“Never yoti mind. Just ask for it.”
“Ah ain"buyin"nuthin"dat Ah doan know whut"tis.”
“Well, it"s paint, if you"re so curious!Face paint. Don"t stand there and swell UP like a toad.Go on.”
“Paint!”ejaculated Mammy.“Face paint!Well, you ain"so big dat Ah kain whup you!Ah ain"never been so scan"lized!You is los"yo"mine!Miss Ellen be tuhnin’in her grabe dis minute!Paintin’yo’face lak a—”
“You know very well Grandma Robillard painted her face and—”
“Yas"m, an"wo"only one pettiy at an"it wrang out wid water ter mek it stick an"show de shape of her laigs, but dat ain’sayin’you is gwine do sumpin’lak dat!Times wuz scan’lous w’en Ole Miss wuz young but times changes, dey do an’—”

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