
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Scarlett, spare me!I am always overcome with shame when I think about it.”
“Well, I"m glad to learn you are ashamed of the way you treated me.”
“You misunderstand. I regret to say that my conscience has not troubled me at all about deserting you.But as for enlisting—when I think of joining the army in varnished boots and a white linen suit and armed with only a pair of dueling pistols—And those long cold miles in the snow after my boots wore out and I had no overcoat and nothing to eat……I cannot understand why I did not desert.It was all the purest insanity.But it"s in one"s blood.Southerners can never resist a losing cause.But never mind my reasons.It"s enough that I"m forgiven.”
“You"re not. I think you"re a hound.”But she caressed the last word until it might have been“darling.”
“Don"t fib. You"ve forgiven me.Young ladies don"t dare Yankee sentries to see a prisoner, just for charity"s sweet sake, and come all dressed up in velvet and feathers and seal muffs too.Scarlett, how pretty you look!Thank God, you aren"t in rags or mourning!I get so sick of women in dowdy old clothes and perpetual crêpe.You look like the Rue de la Paix.Turn around, my dear, and let me look at you.”

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