
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
“Must you always get something for your pains?”
“Why, of course!I am a monster of selfishness, as you ought to know. I always expect payment for anything I give.”
That sent a slight chill through her but she rallied and jingled her earbobs again.
“Oh, you really aren"t so bad, Rhett. You just like to show off.”
“My word, but you have changed!”he said and laughed.“What has made a Christian of you?I have kept up with you through Miss Pittypat but she gave me no intimation that you had developed womanly sweetness. Tell me more about yourself, Scarlett.What have you been doing since I last saw you?”
The old irritation and antagonism which he roused in her was hot in her heart and she yearned to speak tart words. But she smiled instead and the dimple crept into her cheek.He had drawn a chair close beside hers and she leaned over and put a gentle hand on his arm, in an unconscious manner.
“Oh, I"ve been doing nicely, thank you, and everything at Tara is fine now. Of course, we had a dreadful time right after Sherman went through but, after all, he didn"t burn the house and the darkies saved most of the livestock by driving it into the swamp.And we cleared a fair crop this last fall, twenty bales.Of course, that"s practically nothing compared with what Tara can do but we haven"t many field hands.Pa says, of course, we"ll do better next year.But, Rhett, it’s so dull in the country now!

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