2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Michael Bell, an infectious disease specialist and deputy director of Healthcare Quality Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that people should be vigilant about wound care since bacteria can cause problems if they get into the blood stream, and he still advocates hand-washing. "If you"re not doing it 10 times a day, you"re probably not doing it enough," he says. But he and other experts say that regular soap and water are fine in most cases. Sterilizing hands is critical mainly for health-care workers and in hospitals, where disease-causing germs are prevalent and can easily spread.
美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)医疗质量改进部(Healthcare Quality Promotion)副主任及感染病专家贝尔(Michael Bell)说,人们应该警惕伤口感染,因为一旦病毒侵入血液,就会造成各种问题。他还是提倡人们勤洗手。“一天至少要洗10次手。”贝尔说。不过,他和其他一些专家表示,在大多数情况下,洗手用普通的肥皂和水就行了。手部消毒主要适用于医疗工作者以及医院场所内,因为医院里的致病微生物较多,而且容易传播开来。
Many experts advise common sense. "We don"t want to say to children, "OK, play by the dirty river bank and catch whatever you can,"" says Dr. Weinstock. "But we can say there"s nothing wrong with kids playing in the dirt. They don"t have to live in total sanitation, and they won"t die from eating something off the floor. It"s probably more healthy than not."
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