
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Kelly Feist担任Ascom Americas的董事总经理,也是Ascom扩展执行委员会的成员。作为美洲地区的高管,她负责该地区的销售业绩、整体运营和业务盈利能力。Feist 在加入 Ascom 之前曾在 Philips Healthcare USA 担任北美客户服务主管。在此之前,她是该地区第一位患者护理和监测解决方案的业务负责人。在这两个职位上,Feist 帮助飞利浦将资本设备业务模式转变为基于解决方案的经常性收入业务模式,专注于软件、硬件和业务服务。
Feist 在医疗保健 IT 解决方案方面拥有丰富的经验,涵盖多个职能部门,包括销售、营销、产品管理和客户服务。她是福布斯技术委员会的成员和定期撰稿人。Feist 拥有范德堡大学工商管理硕士学位和哈佛大学公共卫生学院高管证书。
Niamh Pellegrini, Nevro Corp


Title: Chief Commercial Officer
Niamh Pellegrini is the Chief Commercial Officer at Nevro Corporation. Nevro is a global medical device company focused on providing innovative products that improve quality of life for patients suffering from debilitating chronic pain. Nevro has developed and commercialized the Senza spinal cord stimulation system, an evidence-based, non-pharmacologic neuromodulation platform for the treatment of chronic pain. In her role, Pellegrini is responsible for leading the global commercial success of Nevro. Most recently, the organization launched a new indication for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Nevro now provides the only SCS treatment option approved by the FDA for patients struggling with debilitating painful diabetic neuropathy and unable to find relief with currently available pharmacologic options.

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