
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
作为总裁,首席执行官兼董事会董事,Nancy Lurker领导EyePoint Pharmaceuticals的使命是改善面临严重眼部疾病的人们的生活。她在制药行业拥有30多年的经验,推动了公共和私营公司的科学和商业创新,为患者带来创新的疗法和解决方案。
在加入EyePoint之前,Lurker担任PDI的总裁,首席执行官和董事会董事,PDI是一家在纳斯达克上市的医疗保健商业化公司,现在名为Interpace Diagnostics Group。在加入PDI之前,她是诺华制药公司的高级副总裁兼首席营销官。她还曾担任私营医疗保健信息公司ImpactRx的总裁兼首席执行官。在加入ImpactRx之前,Lurker是Pharmacia Corporation全球初级保健产品的集团副总裁,也是其美国执行管理委员会的成员。她的职业生涯始于百时美施贵宝(Bristol Myers Squibb)的高级医疗代表,在那里她迅速晋升为全球心血管特许经营管理高级总监,监督了许多成功的药物发布。Lurker曾在公共和私营公司以及倡导组织的众多董事会任职。她拥有西雅图太平洋大学生物学学士学位和埃文斯维尔大学工商管理硕士学位。
Eileen Maus, Renovia


Title: Chief Executive Officer
Eileen Maus brings 20 years of healthcare experience to Renovia, a women-led company that develops digital therapeutics for women’s pelvic floor disorders. Renovia’s flagship product, the leva Pelvic Health System, is an FDA-cleared prescription device that can help women strengthen their pelvic floor muscles effectively for the treatment of stress, mixed, and urgency urinary incontinence (UI), including overactive bladder. leva offers a non-invasive, drug-free way for women to train and strengthen their pelvic floor muscles at home in just five minutes a day, making first-line treatment accessible to the nearly 20 million with bothersome UI. leva is the first femtech product in the Digital Therapeutics Alliance product library, has multiple clinical trials and published data supporting its efficacy, and is the 2021 recipient of a Medical Device Network Sector Excellence award.

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