
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Cindy R.Kent是Everly Health的首席运营官。Everly Health是一家数字健康公司,位于虚拟诊断驱动的护理行业的前沿,也是Everlywell、Everly Health Solutions(前身为PWNHealth)、EverlyDx和Natalist的母公司。Everly Health旗下的子公司赢得了《福布斯》、《财富》和《激烈医疗》的行业赞誉。Everlywell被评为2019年度最快的创新公司之一,是《公司杂志》2020年度最令人振奋的创新公司之一,也是2021年度AdHead的最佳挑战者健康品牌。
Kent is a healthcare executive and corporate director widely recognized for her innovation across different sectors in healthcare. Prior to joining Everly Health, she was president of senior living operations at Brookdale Senior Living. Before that, Kent held roles of successive leadership at Eli Lilly, Medtronic, and 3M, where she consistently led strong revenue growth and margin expansion. She is a Henry Crown Fellow of The Aspen Institute, serves on the board of directors of cloud-based personalized healthcare provider Accolade, and previously served on the board of directors at Best Buy as the retailer made multi-billion dollar inroads into its consumer health strategy. Kent earned a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering from Northwestern University as well as a Master of Divinity and Master of Business Administration from Vanderbilt University.

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