
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
There are five peaches on the plate.盘子里有5个桃子。There are 6 little ducks in the pond.池塘里有6只小鸭子。There are seven coins on the table.有7个硬币在桌上。You have slept eight hours.你已经睡了8个小时了。You need to do your homework at nine o"clock.你9点要去做你的作业。Here is ten dollars for you.给你十美元。I am three years old.我今年3岁了。My dad is thirty years old.我爸爸30岁。My mother is twenty-eight years old.我妈妈28岁。
Ten to one I"m going to win.我有极大的可能要赢。How many kittens are there in your family?你家有几只小猫?I thought you had one dog and one cat.我以为你有一条狗和一只猫。The candy shop opens twenty four seven.这个糖果店任何时候都开门。三、家庭日常对话
I love mommy.我爱妈咪。Where is dad?爸爸在哪里?Where is mom?妈妈在哪里?I love my family.我爱我的家人。I love my mommy.我爱我的妈妈。I love my dad.我爱我的爸爸。This is my uncle.这是我叔叔。This is my aunt.这是我阿姨。This is my cousin.这是我堂弟。The baby is so cute.宝宝好可爱。I have a sister.我有一个姐姐。This is my brother.这是我哥哥。Are you sleeping?你睡觉了吗?Where is your brother?你的哥哥在哪?Dad works very hard.爸爸工作很辛苦。My mother likes cooking.妈妈喜欢做饭。
My brother likes dancing.哥哥喜欢跳舞。My sister likes singing.姐姐喜欢唱歌。This is my grandparents.这是我的爷爷奶奶。My mother just had a baby.我妈妈刚生了宝宝。My brother loves me very much.我的哥哥很爱我。Please say bye-bye to your daddy.和爸爸说再见。My grandfather is seventy years old.我的爷爷70岁了。I have a brother and two sisters.我有一个哥哥和两个姐姐。When will daddy come home?爸爸什么时候回家?四、关于时间的口语

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