
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
It"s twelve.十二点了。I"m late. 我要迟到了。What"s the time?几点了?What time is it?几点了?It"s noon.现在是中午12点。Let"s go home.让我们回家吧。My watch is fast.我的表快了。It"s time for class. 该上课了。It"s just after three.刚过3点。It"s almost three.马上到3点了。It"s not quite three.还不到3点。It"s ten to ten.现在是9点50分。It"s eight thirty.现在是8点30分。It"s ten past eight.现在是8点十分。I"ll leave at 9:15.我9点一刻出门。It"s (twelve) midnight.现在是半夜零点。
It"s seven in the morning.现在是早上7点。It"s three in the afternoon.现在是下午3点。Stay just a few minutes longer.就再待几分钟。Could you set the alarm for seven?你能把闹钟定在7点吗?五、关于方位的口语It"s over there.在那边。Go along this street.沿着这条街走。It’s next to the school.就在学校旁边。It"s in front of the school.在学校前面。Home is on your right side.家在你的右边。Please stand on my right.请站在我的右边。Where does this road lead?这条路通向哪儿?
lt’s opposite your school.就在你学校对面。The elevator is straight ahead.电梯在前方。Candy shop is on your left side.糖果屋在你的左边。The flower is on the left of the tree.花在树的左边。You are walking in the wrong direction.你走错方向了。It’s opposite the railway station.它就在火车站对面。The shop is on the right of my home.商店在我家的右边。Put your right hand and left foot.伸出你的右手和左脚。Turn right at first crossroads.在第一个十字路口向右转。

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