
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
这些鲜活的数据、真实的事例,无不说明了一个道理,那就是:中国人民选择的发展道路,顺应了14亿中国人民的愿望,顺应了和平发展的时代潮流,不仅有益于中国,同样有益于世界。既然这条道路是正确的,我们当然要继续坚定不移地走下去。These telling facts and figures all serve to show that the development path chosen by the Chinese people meets the aspirations of the 1.4 billion Chinese people and conforms with the trend of peace and development of our times. It is a path that serves the interests of not only China but also the entire world. Since it has been proven right, we have every reason to keep following this path.
新冠肺炎疫情给中国经济带来了严重冲击,但实践证明,中国在疫情的冲击下屹立不倒,展现出强劲的复苏势头,显示出强大的韧性和潜力。第二季度的中国经济已经止跌回升,增长3.2%,成为世界上第一个恢复增长的国家。据国际货币基金组织预测,中国将成为2020年少数几个保持正增长的国家之一。最近调查显示,99.1%的外企表示将继续在华投资经营,89%的欧盟企业不会考虑把产业链撤出中国,中国仍是大部分欧洲企业的前三大投资目的地之一。这些都是世界给中国发展所投下的“信任票”。Despite the serious impact of COVID-19, the Chinese economy has stayed strong and demonstrated a robust momentum of recovery, great resilience and enormous potential. China"s GDP expanded by 3.2 percent in the second quarter, back into positive territory, making China the first economy to register positive growth. IMF forecasts put China as one of the few countries that will maintain positive growth in 2020. According to a latest survey, 99.1 percent of foreign companies in China will continue to invest and operate in China, and 89 percent of the surveyed EU businesses said they are not considering moving their industrial chains out of China. China remains one of the top three investment destinations for most European companies. All of these are, in a sense, a vote of confidence in China"s development.

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