2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
中国将继续坚持开放发展。中国开放的大门不会关闭,只会越开越大。我们将以更低的关税水平、更短的负面清单、更便利的市场准入、更透明的市场规则、更有吸引力的营商环境,打造更高水平的开放型经济,形成全方位、多层次、多元化的开放合作格局,为全世界创造更多机遇。China will stay committed to open development. China will not shut its door to the outside world, but only open it wider. We will further lower tariffs, shorten the negative list for foreign investment, ease market access, and make market rules more transparent and the business environment more attractive. We will upgrade our open economy and pursue openness and cooperation in all directions, at all levels and in all forms to create more opportunities for the world.
中国将继续坚持合作发展。中国的发展得益于与世界各国的友好合作。我们将继续积极推进大国协调合作,加强同周边国家睦邻友好关系,增进与发展中国家团结合作,以合作促安全、以合作谋发展、以合作迎挑战。China will stay committed to cooperative development. China"s development has benefited from cooperation with other countries. We will continue to strengthen coordination and cooperation with other major countries, increase friendship with our neighbors and enhance solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries. We will work closely with all countries to pursue greater security, better development and meet common challenges together.
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