
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
世界正处于百年未有之大变局,突如其来的疫情无疑使变局加速演进。在百年变局与世纪灾疫面前,人类再次面临进步还是倒退、团结还是分裂、开放还是封闭的关键抉择。The world is undergoing changes unseen in a century, accelerated by the sudden onslaught of COVID-19. Faced with changes and a pandemic unseen in a century, humanity needs to once again make a crucial choice, a choice between progress and regression, between solidarity and division, and between openness and seclusion.
纵观近代史,人类文明进程曾多次被极端势力打断。最近,世界上又有一股势力蠢蠢欲动,企图为世界拉下新的“铁幕”,竖起新的“柏林墙”,制造一场新的“冷战”。当前的中美关系面临建交以来最严峻局面,根源在于美国一些极端势力处心积虑地要把中国渲染成主要对手,不择手段地遏制中国的发展进程。他们还蓄意在国际上挑动意识形态对立,公开胁迫别国选边站队,试图将中美关系拖进冲突对抗的陷阱,将各国绑上大国竞争的战车,将好端端一个世界推向动荡与分裂。In modern history, the progress of human civilization had been halted several times by radical forces. What we are seeing now is that some are again maneuvering to draw a new Iron Curtain, erect another Berlin Wall, and start a second Cold War. The China-US relationship is in its most testing time since the establishment of diplomatic relations. It has come to this stage because some hardliners in the US have gone to great lengths to portray China as a major rival. They have resorted to every possible means to suppress China"s development. They have also been stoking ideological confrontation internationally, and publicly coercing countries into choosing sides, trying to drag China-US relations into confrontation and conflict, and hijack other countries onto their chariot of major-country rivalry. These acts are threatening to push the world as we know it to the brink of turmoil and division.

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