
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
时代大潮滚滚向前,任何倒行逆施都不得人心,也不可能长久。站在人类社会发展的重要十字路口,中欧理应本着对人类前途命运负责任的态度,从中欧人民的根本利益出发,共同抵制煽动仇恨和对抗的逆流,坚定站在历史的正确一边,为复杂多变的世界提供更多的稳定性。The tide of history always moves forward. No attempt to turn it back will find support, nor will it last. At this crossroads in human history, China and Europe should and must keep in mind our responsibilities for mankind"s future and the fundamental interests of our people. We must say no to hatred and confrontation. We must stand firm on the right side of history. Together, China and Europe can bring more stability to this complex and fluid world.
首先,我们要坚决维护和平发展,共同反对分裂世界。作为负责任大国,中方坚决反对任何“新冷战”的图谋,绝不允许任何势力剥夺中国人民以及各国人民追求发展、实现美好生活的权利。我们愿与欧洲共同发出时代的强音:坚持团结,反对分裂;坚持进步,反对倒退;坚持和平发展,反对冲突对抗。First, we need to resolutely safeguard peace and development and oppose global divisions. As a responsible major country, China firmly opposes any schemes to create a new Cold War, and will not allow any force to deny the right of the Chinese people and people around the world to pursue development and a better life. China hopes to join hands with Europe to send a strong message of our times, a message for solidarity and against division, for progress and against regression, for peace and development and against conflict or confrontation.

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