
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
第四,我们要携手应对全球挑战,共同反对以邻为壑。人类面临的风险从未像今天这样频繁而莫测。气候变化、网络安全、恐怖主义、跨国犯罪等非传统安全挑战给世界带来现实威胁,类似疫情危机的全球性挑战未来仍会发生。中欧应成为推动全球治理的典范,共同强化联合国在国际事务中的协调作用,共同反对本国优先、损人利己的行为,携手构建人类命运共同体。Fourth, we need to join hands to tackle global challenges and oppose the beggar-thy-neighbor approach. Humanity has never faced more frequent and unpredictable risks. Climate change, cyber security, terrorism, transnational crimes and other non-traditional security issues pose real threats to the world. Challenges of a global scale, such as COVID-19, could still emerge in the future. China and Europe need to set an example of advancing global governance by jointly strengthening the UN"s coordinating role in international affairs. We need to reject the practices of putting one"s own country first at the expense of others. We need to jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.
今年是中国同欧盟建交45周年。45年来,中欧关系发展带给我们的重要启示是,中欧没有根本利害冲突,合作远大于竞争,共识远大于分歧。中欧双方社会制度虽然不同,但不是制度性对手,而应是全方位战略伙伴。45年来,中欧关系发展带给我们的重要经验是,双方完全可以通过平等对话增进信任,通过互利合作实现共赢,通过建设性沟通妥处分歧,通过加强协调共同应对全球性挑战。This year marks the 45th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic relations. The development of our relations over the past 45 years tells us that there is no fundamental conflict of interests between China and the EU; our cooperation far outweighs competition, and there are far more areas of common understanding than disagreements. Despite the difference in social systems, China and the EU are meant to be comprehensive strategic partners, not systemic rivals. Over the 45 years, an important experience we have gained is: China and the EU are entirely able to enhance trust through dialogues on an equal footing, achieve win-win outcomes through mutually beneficial cooperation, properly address differences through constructive communications, and jointly tackle global challenges through stronger coordination.

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