
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
二是强化投资伙伴关系,实现互利共赢。中欧应相向而行,尽早就中欧投资协定谈判难点问题找到解决方案,今年内达成一项全面、平衡、高水平的投资协定。在此基础上,双方有必要尽快开展自贸协定联合可行性研究,启动自贸进程。双方还应加强宏观经济政策协调,尽早达成《中欧合作2025战略规划》,为双方全方位对话合作提供制度性框架。Second, we need to enhance our investment partnership, and work for win-win results. China and the EU should take a cooperative approach in the negotiations on the bilateral investment agreement, find a solution to the outstanding issues as early as possible, and conclude a comprehensive, balanced and high-standard agreement within this year. On that basis, the two sides need to conduct a joint feasibility study at an early date to kick-start the FTA process. China and the EU should also strengthen coordination on macro-economic policies, and conclude the China-EU 2025 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation as early as possible, to provide an institutional framework for all-round dialogue and cooperation.
三是打造绿色和数字伙伴关系,拓展中欧合作新的增长点。我们应深化环境技术、循环经济、清洁能源、可持续金融等领域合作,打造中欧绿色伙伴;应加强在信息通信技术、人工智能、电子商务、大数据、云计算等领域合作,打造中欧数字伙伴,为全球数字领域标准规则作出贡献。Third, we need to foster a green and digital partnership, and create new growth areas of China-EU cooperation. We should deepen cooperation in such areas as environmental technology, circular economy, clean energy, and sustainable finance to develop a China-EU green partnership. We should strengthen cooperation in areas like information and communications technology, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, big data, and cloud computing to forge a China-EU digital partnership, and make joint contributions to global standards and rules in the digital domain.

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