
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
习近平主席指出,中欧作为世界两大力量、两大市场、两大文明,主张什么、反对什么、合作什么,具有世界意义。在抗击疫情和共谋疫后复苏的关键时刻,中欧应进一步加强团结合作,按下各领域对话合作的“重启键”,充分发挥“双引擎”作用,为国际社会团结合作注入强大推动力,努力从四个方面建设伙伴关系。President Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Europe are two major forces, two big markets and two great civilizations. What we stand for, what we oppose and what we work together on can make a difference for the world. At this crucial moment of fighting COVID-19 and pursuing post-COVID-19 recovery, China and Europe should strengthen solidarity and cooperation. We should press the "continue button" to resume dialogue and cooperation across the board and act as twin engines of the world economy, to inject strong impetus to international solidarity and cooperation. To that end, I propose that we develop our partnership in the following four areas.
一是构建抗疫伙伴关系,推动疫后经济复苏合作。当前没有什么比控制疫情、挽救生命更重要。中欧应加强疫苗、药物、检测试剂研发和生产合作,共同支持世界卫生组织、“全球疫苗免疫联盟”等国际机构发挥积极作用。First, we need to build an anti-COVID-19 partnership, and promote cooperation on post-COVID-19 economic recovery. Nothing matters more than containing the virus and saving lives. China and the EU should strengthen cooperation on the development and production of vaccines, medicines and testing kits and support the WHO, Gavi and other international institutions in playing their roles.

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