
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
一线英语教师只讲教育干货 !英语网课 · 免费试听线下地址:上海杨浦黄兴路地铁站上海虹口江湾镇地铁站上海浦东蓝村路地铁站


When the end of the year rolls around, movie fans get excited. This year is no exception! Some of the year"s best movies are coming soon to a theater near you!
又到年底, 影迷们很兴奋。今年也不例外!一些今年最好的电影即将在你附近的电影院上映!
The Peanuts Movie brings Charlie Brown, Snoopy and all their friends to the big screen. Snoopy is after his opponent. The Red Baron, and Charlie Brown has his own mission to complete.
《花生》电影把Charlie Brown, Snoopy和他们所有的朋友都搬上了大银幕。Snoopy在追赶他的对手Red Baron和Charlie Brown也有自己的使命要完成。
The Good Dinosaur takes place in a world where dinosaurs did not become extinct. A dinosaur named Arlo makes a human friend. Together they travel through a dark and mysterious area, where Arlo must face his fears.

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