
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
James Bond fans are eager to see 007 in his latest film, Spectre. A curious message from his past leads Bond to a sinister organization. He must discover the truth behind it and shut it down.
James Bond的影迷们渴望在他的最新电影《幽灵党》中看到007。一个来自他过去的奇怪信息将Bond引向了一个邪恶的组织。他必须发现这个组织背后的真相,并关闭它。
Alvin and the Chipmunks return in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip. They misunderstand what their good friend Dave is up to. They think he is going to propose to his girlfriend in New York City and dump them. They have just three days to stop him!
Almost 40 years ago, the boxing film Rocky captured people"s imaginations. Now in Creed, Rocky Balboa becomes trainer to the son to his late friend Apollo Creed.
大约40年前,拳击电影《洛奇》激发了人们的想象力。现在在Creed电影里,洛奇成为他已故朋友Apollo Creed儿子的教练。
Don"t miss the adventure, action and laughs at your local movie theater!

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