2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
我屡次被卷入话题事件之中,很受伤。I repeatedly visited subjects and incidences that harmed me in someway.

如果我用我宝贵的理智来分析它,我会感觉更好,但我不会浪费精力。lf I analyze it for the billionth time with my mind and heart, I will feel better and it will finally make sense.You won"t and it won"t.

我的内心永远不会回头,现在和将来也不会。我并不是说坐以待毙,而是不要陷入这些无脑的问题。My inner being never looks back, and now nor wilI. I"m not saying don"t process - but don"t get stuck in the questions.

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