
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
The US, based on lies and disinformation produced by a handful of anti-China forces, wantonly asserted that there is genocide in Xinjiang. This is the most preposterous lie of the century, an outrageous insult and affront to the Chinese people, and a gross breach of international law and basic norms governing international relations.
As overwhelming facts have proven, the investigative report the US keeps citing and hyping up is disinformation fabricated by the likes of Adrian Zenz who are anti-China. The few so-called "witnesses" are just "actors" and "actresses" the US has used and trained. Relevant media acted as the megaphone to spread the lies. Their shoddy show is a deplorable patchwork. Xinjiang and many outside China, including in the US, have exposed and refuted their lies in various ways.

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