
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
The genocide allegation maligns China"s ethnic policy and Xinjiang"s development and progress. China is a unified multi-ethnic country where the rights and interests of all ethnic minority groups are fully protected according to the Constitution and the regional ethnic autonomy arrangement. All ethnic groups live harmoniously together with equality, solidarity and mutual assistance. We can say without exaggeration that China"s policy on ethnic minorities are much better and more equal than that of the US. Ethnic minorities in China enjoy much greater happiness, equality and dignity than those in the US. It is just beyond absurd for the US to keep churning out lies and weaving utterly groundless stories of "forced labor" and "genocide"! China"s family planning policy has been more leniently applied to ethnic minorities than the ethnic Han people, leading to higher growth rate in ethnic minority populations compared with the national average. During the past 40 years or so, the population of Uyghurs in Xinjiang increased from 5.55 million to 12.8 million. Their life expectancy rose from 30 years six decades ago to 72. Has anyone seen this kind of "genocide"? To help residents shake off poverty through employment, Xinjiang government at all levels have been assisting them in finding jobs outside the region on the basis of fully respecting their will. As a result, people are leading better lives with higher incomes. Has anyone seen this kind of "genocide"? In Xinjiang, most cotton is now harvested mechanically. During the cotton-picking season, migrant rural workers from Henan and Sichuan would travel to Xinjiang for the job. This is no different from Americans seeking cross-state employment or Europeans working in autumn vineyards.

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