2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Rousseau once said that man is born free, but always in chains. I think the history of mankind is a process of continuous pursuit of freedom and self-liberation, and the character of bobby dragon reminds me of the Monkey King of China, the movie shawshank redemption. They both love freedom, as the old saying goes, love is precious, life is more valuable, if for freedom, both can be thrown away.
Friendship and freedom from captivity are the core of the film. I want to talk about the pursuit of freedom, to put that word into everyday life, to ask yourself, are you free? A lot of people would definitely say that it"s not free, that real life is too harsh, that you"re forced to do things you don"t want to do every day. I want to say, when you say that, think back to your past, did you pay for your freedom? Charlie in the movie he paid, and his price was too big, too heavy. He would rather die without freedom. That"s the attitude. He got freedom.
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